• 24th Nov 2020

Migration Legislative Instrument Updates


Migration (Transitional operation of regulation 5.19 for certain 457 visa holders) Amendment Instrument (LIN 20/190) 2020


Updates have been made in the above instrument to allow for the coronavirus reduced work period while calculating if the applicant has worked the stipulated number of years during the period of 4 years before the application is made. This instrument specifies a class of people who are eligible to access certain existing requirements of the Temporary Residence Transition streams of the Subclass 186 (Employer Nomination Scheme) and Subclass 187 (Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme) visas. This instrument takes into account the period of time that a person was unable to work due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, and allows this concession to be applied for meeting the requirement for TRT stream for a permanent work visa from a subclass 457 visa.







Migration (Exemptions from Skill, Age and English Language Requirements for Subclass 186, 187 and 494 Visas) Amendment Instrument (LIN 20/189) 2020


Updates have been made to the above instrument and the instrument is made to specify exemptions in relation to age, skills, employment history or English language requirements for the Subclass 186 (Employer Nomination Scheme) visa, Subclass 187 (Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme) visa and Subclass 494 (Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional)) visa.





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