• 8th Nov 2020

Global Talent Independent visa program

Global Talent Independent visa program


The Australian government now places a high level of importance and priority to the Global Talent Independent (GTI) visa program. This program offers permanent residence visas to persons with exceptional or distinguished talent. Several hi-tech sectors are included in the GTI program. The following sectors are covered:

(a)  AgTech;

(b)  FinTech;

(c)  MedTech;

(d)  Cyber Security;

(e)  Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data Science and ICT;

(f)   Space and Advanced Manufacturing;

(g)  Energy and Mining Technology.


The following are the main requirements of a Distinguished Talen visa under the Global Talent Independent scheme:

  • internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in one of the following areas

-       a profession

-       a sport

-       the arts

-       academia and research


  • You must be still prominent in the area; and must demonstrate that:
  • You would be an asset to the Australian community; and
  • You would have no difficulty in obtaining employment, or in becoming established independently, in Australia in the area; and
  • You need to be nominated a person or organisation prominent in your field.
  • If you are below 18 or above 55 years of age, you must show that you would be of exceptional benefit to the Australian community.


‘Exceptional and outstanding achievement’ and international recognition for certain students

Masters degree or Bachelor Honours degree graduates must have an overall grade-point average of 80 (or above) out of 100 if they are relying on these academic qualifications as the sole basis for demonstrating a record of exceptional and outstanding achievement. This requirement does not apply to PhD students.

Achievements by a PhD student/graduate, Masters degree or Bachelor Honours degree graduate will be considered internationally recognised if:

  • their research is of international interest and significance; or
  • their research would be relevant to an international audience; or
  • they have presented their research at international forums; or
  • their research could be used to inform academia, governments and industry abroad; or
  • their research is relevant to Australian academia, governments and industry in respect to advancing Australia’s international competitiveness; or
  • their research highlights the potential for innovation and productivity increases for Australian organisations and industries operating in an international or globalised context; and
  • they have achieve


With this visa, you can: 

  • stay in Australia permanently
  • work and study in Australia
  • enrol in Australia's public health care scheme, Medicare
  • sponsor your relatives to come to Australia
  • travel to and from Australia for 5 years
  • if eligible, apply for Australian citizen

However, newly arrived residents may have to wait before they can access certain Australian Government payments and benefits. 

To find out your eligibility for a Distinguished Talent visa of Australia under the Global Talent Independent program, contact us today:

Our email: info@ausnzmigration.com.au
Our Phone: +61 (0) 449 260 466

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